
It's not an exaggeration to say that all I did was eat a lot. Tainan is my favorite!


  • 油條 - Chinese fried dough
  • 滷肉飯 - Taiwanese braised pork over rice
  • 綿菓子 - Flower cotton candy is cool to watch
  • 臭豆腐 - Stinky Tofu
  • 花枝羹 (湯頭)
  • 蔥油餅 - Scallion pancake especially with egg
  • 豆花 - Tofu pudding
  • 鹹酥雞 - Taiwanese fried chicken
  • 五味鵝蛋 - Five spice goose eggs
  • 仙草奶涷 - Grass jelly with condensed milk and ice
  • 皮蛋燒 - Fried century eggs with different toppings
  • 鹹豆漿 - Salty soy milk
  • Crickets - I'm not adventurous enough for insects

珍珠奶茶 (Bubble tea)

鳳梨酥 (Pineapple Cake)


台北市 (Taipei)


Things to do

金瓜石 (Jinguashi)

台中市 (Taichung)

  • 彩虹眷村 - Rainbow Village, lots of graffiti painted by a veteran soldier
  • 逢甲夜市 - Feng Chia Night Market... must be the biggest night market, it's massive

花蓮 (Hualien)


Things to do

  • 慕谷慕魚
    • Limited parking and requires a permit. Narrow driving area.
    • Lagoon area is around 5km walk
    • 龍澗冰廠 - Popsicles espeically the Taro flavor (芋頭冰)!

台11線 (Highway 11)

太魯閣 (Taroko Gorge)

臺南 (Tainan)

One of my top food places!


Things to do

West Central District


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